
What is Paracentesis?
Paracentesis is a procedure in which Dr.Ahmed removes excess fluid that has accumulated in the abdomen.

Why is Paracentesis done?
This can be done to diagnose a problem, or to help with symptoms from the fluid collection itself. A diagnostic paracentesis is done to help determine the cause of fluid buildup in the abdomen. Testing the fluid will look for infection, cancers, and liver disease. A therapeutic paracentesis is used to remove large amounts of fluid from the abdomen in patients with ascites, as these fluid collections can cause shortness of breath, poor appetite, and sometimes pain.

How should I prepare for Paracentesis?
You will be contacted by our office ahead of time with recommendations regarding holding blood thinners. You will fast for 6 hours prior to the procedure.

What can I expect during a Paracentesis?
You will usually by lying down for the procedure, or sometimes sitting up. Numbing medicine will be injected into your abdomen. Dr. Ahmed inserts a needle into the belly where you have the extra fluid. You may have a temporary pain or pressure when the needle is inserted, but it is typically not a painful procedure. This is often hooked up to a vacuum bottle, which drains the fluid from the abdomen. After the fluid has been drained and the needle has been removed, a bandage will be placed over the site where the needle was.

What should I expect after Paracentesis?
Some patients may have leakage of a small amount of fluid from the drainage site for 1-2 days following the procedure. If you experience this, keep the site covered with gauze until the drainage resolves.

What are the possible complications of Paracentesis?
It is uncommon to have a complication from paracentesis. Possible complications include infection, bleeding, shock, perforation of a nearby organ, or spread of cancer cells. These are all rare.